
Product Quality

Texas A&M Gourmet Quail

Texas Quail Farms raises Texas A&M Gourmet Quail that was developed by Dr. Fred Thornberry, now professor emeritus with the department of poultry science at Texas A&M University. The breed was developed through genetic selection to improve the poultry industry by enhancing the meat characteristics, including larger birds. The meat has a lighter color and more appealing texture than most other quail found in the meat section of the local grocery in North America.

Founder of TQF, Todd Smith studied poultry under Dr. Thornberry in 1993-1996 while pursing his undergraduate and masters degree from Texas A&M. After seeing the superior quality of the Texas A&M Gourmet Quail compared to the other quail, Todd decided this was the only quail worth providing to his customers.  Today our superior quail retain the same succulent flavor, large size and tender meat that make Texas A&M Gourmet great. See What People Are Saying About Us and our quail.

Ordering Product

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Product Specifications

1. Semi-Boneless Quail: We remove all bones except the drummette of the leg and the wing bones. Size 4-5 oz. Our best selling product;  1 case = 24 quail

2. Texas Quail Knots: 1/2 semi-boneless quail with wing removed and drumstick pulled through boneless breast, skin on, boneless except for drum stick; 1 case = 48 knots

3. Whole Quail: Completely whole All-Natural TX Quail 5-6 oz.; 1 case = 24 quail

4. Boneless breast: All-Natural TX Quail- Skin-on boneless breast- double lobe; 1 case = 48 breast

5. Leg / Thigh: All-Natural Tx Quail leg/thigh with thigh bone removed; 1 case = 120 leg/thigh

6. Bacon-Wrapped Quail Leg / Thigh: Texas Quail Legs wrapped in smoked bacon; 5lb per case approximately 60-70 count

7. Bacon-wrapped Quail Breast: Texas quail breast wrapped in  smoked bacon; 5lb per case approximately 50-60 count

8. Jumbo Whole Quail: Completely whole All-Natural TX Quail 6-7+ oz.; 1 case = 12 quail